Monday, February 27, 2012


Thinking of this word, “loneliness”, puts a bit of sadness in the core of my belly. I have LOTS of
friends and TONS of acquaintances in my life. I have a LARGE, close knit family. I have a hand selected group of SUPER CLOSE girlfriends that I TREASURE and could go to at ANY HOUR regarding ANY SUBJECT and know I would NEVER be judged YET. . . I too have seasons of loneliness!
Being married for just over 5 years I find myself hitting little snags and when I do hit those
snags LONELINESS is there with WELCOMING ARMS! Sounds sick doesn’t it? But my
guess is that lots of us hang out there from time to time!
When I find myself lying in LONELINESSES arms I find that my “self-talk” is full of self-doubt, low self-esteem and insecurity. My stay with LONELINESS is short lived. Once out of its grasps I wonder to myself, “What in the WORLD WAS I THINKING to have ALLOWED myself to go there”!
I really believe that I’m NOT ALONE here, no pun intended! I believe MILLIONS of us visit with
LONELINESS more often than we’d like to admit! I don’t PREACH anti-loneliness; fore I too have over stayed my visit sitting in its company! I fare on the side of the “CAUTION” of LONELINESS. When choosing LONELINESS look at the CORE, the WHY, the CATALYIST of
what got you there. Once you can figure that out the rest is a whole different journey and awakening!

So in your journey remember that you are TRULY not alone! You are LOVED, WANTED and

Stephanie Lainez
Children’s Book Author


  1. Very good read and oh so true. I to visit LONELINESS, far more that I would like. But God has helped me leave that ugly place. Very good blog. Thanks for sharing and for your openness.

  2. Linda-So relieved to know that I'm not the only one that has an HONEST love/hate relationship with LONELINESS! The enemy uses the SAME lame excuses to trip us up! He NEVER comes up with something new!! And what's worse is, we fall for it over and over again! I'm choosing to STOP him in his TRACKS! Enough is ENOUGH!
